Beckett is an interesting case of a bilingual author. He began writing in English, then switched to the French language when he went to live there. But he also translated his own work from French back into English. Keep in mind too that he was Irish.
English Works
1929. Dante…Bruno.Vico..Joyce (C); Assumption (F); Che sciagura (F?)
1930. ‘For future reference’; ‘Whoroscope’; ‘From the only poet to a shining whore, for Henry Crowder to sing’ (P)
1931. The possessed (D?); Proust (C); ‘Hell crane to starling’; ‘Alba’; ‘Casket of pralinen for a daughter of a dissipated mandarin’; ‘Text’; ‘Yoke of liberty’; ‘Return to the vestry’ (P)
1932. Sedendo et quiescendo; ‘Text’ (F); ‘Home olga’ (P); ‘Dante and the lobster’ (F)
1934. More pricks than kicks (F); ‘Poems, by R. M. Rilke, Thomas Mc Greevy’; ‘Ex cathezra’; ‘Papini’s Dante’; ‘The essential and the incidential’ (C); ‘Gnome’ (P); ‘A case in a thousand’ (F)
The Complete Critical Guide to Samuel Beckett is a good introduction to the man and the writer. Includes a potted biography of Beckett, an outline of the stories, novels, plays, and poetry, and pointers towards the main critical writings – from the 1960s to critics of the present day. Also includes a thorough bibliography which covers biography, criticism in books and articles, plus pointers towards specialist journals. These guides are very popular. Strongly recommended.
Buy the book here
1935. ‘Echo’s bones and other precipitates’ (P)
1936. ‘An imaginitive work!’ (C); ‘Cascando’ (P)
1938. – Murphy (F); ‘Ooftish’ (P); ‘Denis Devlin’ (C)
1945. ‘McGreevy on Yeats’ (C)
1946. ‘Saint-Lo’ (P)
1949. Three dialogues (C)
1953. Watt (F, 1942-1944)
1956. ‘From an abandoned work’ (F)
1957. All that fall (D)
1958. ‘Fourteen letters on Endgame’ (X); Krapp’s last tape (D)
1959. Embers (D)
1961. Happy Days (D)
1962. Words and music (D)
1963. Play (D)
1965. Film
1966. Come and Go; Eh Joe (D)
French Works
1945. ‘La peinture des van Velde, ou le monde et le pantalon’ (C)
1946. ‘Suite’; ‘L’expulse’ (F); Poemes 38-39
1948. ‘Trois poemes’; ‘Peintres de l’empechement’ (C)
1951. Molloy; Malone meurt (F, c.1949)
1952. ‘Henri Hayden, homme-peintre’ (C); En attendant Godot (D, c.1949)
1953. L’innommable (F, c.1949)
1954. ‘Hommage a Jack B. Yeats’ (C)
1955. ‘Trois poemes’; Nouvelles et Textes pour rien (F, 1945, 1950)
1957. Fin de partie; Acte sans paroles I (D)
1961. Comment c’est (F)
1963. Cascando; Acte sans paroles II (D, latter c.1956)
1965. Imagination morte imaginez (F)
1966. Assez; Bing (F)
Samuel Beckett: an illustrated life gives a short account of Beckett’s little-known private life in a book which is packed with rare photographs and shots of his stage productions. The life is quite surprising: a privileged upbringing, with talented academic prospects which he abandoned for a bohemian life. Fighting with the Maquis during the war. Little artistic success, but lots of relationships with women – and then the big breakthrough with Waiting for Godot. This is a stunning little book.
Buy the book here
Translations and Miscellaneous
1930. Texts and poems translated from the Italian
1931. ‘Anna Livia Plurabelle’ (T)
1932. ‘Poetry is vertical’ (X); Translations from Breton, Crevel, and Eluard
1934. ‘Negro’ (T)
1937. Contributions to a symposium on the Spanish Civil War (X)
1938-1939. Translations of art texts
1948-1950. Translations for post-war Transition
1958. Anthology of Mexican poetry (T, 1951)
1960. The old tune (T)
1963. Second testament (T)
Principal and Unpublished Works
1928. Research essay on Unanimistes
1931. Le kid (D)
1932. ‘Le bateau ivre’ (T); ‘Dream of fair to middling women’ (F)
1945. ‘Premier amour’; ‘Mercier et Camier’; ‘Les bosquets de Bondy’ (F)
1947. Eleutheria (D)
© Roy Johnson 2005 – with thanks to Damian Grant
The Cambridge Companion to Beckett
The world fame of Samuel Beckett is due to a combination of high academic esteem and immense popularity. An innovator in prose fiction to rival Joyce, his plays have been the most influential in modern theatre history. This book provides thirteen introductory essays on every aspect of Beckett’s work, some paying particular attention to his most famous plays (e.g. Waiting for Godot and Endgame) and his prose fictions (the ‘trilogy’ and Murphy). Other essays tackle his radio and television drama, his theatre directing and his poetry, followed by more general issues such as Beckett’s bilingualism and his relationship to the philosophers. Buy the book here
Samuel Beckett – web links
Samuel Beckett at Mantex
Biographical notes, complete bibliography, selected criticism, book reviews, videos, and web links.
Samuel Beckett Online Resources
This is a giant collection of papers, reviews, videos, journals. An old site, but packed with information. It looks very much like a labour of love by an enthusiast.
Samuel Beckett Exhibition at University of Texas
Biograhical notes, manuscripts, mini-essays, a timeline, and illustrations.
The Samuel Beckett Endpage
Performances, illustrated journals, interviews, and conferences
Samuel Beckett at the Internet Movie Database
Adaptations for the cinema and television – in various languages. Some very rare examples of television films of Beckett’s shorter and less well known works. Full technical details of directors, actors, and production.
Samuel Beckett at Literary History.com
Collection of articles on literary criticism, plus reviews.
Echo’s Bones – a newly discovered story
Samuel Beckett – at Wikipedia
Life and career, Works, Collaborators, Legacy, Honours and awards, Selected works, Further reading, Web links.
© Roy Johnson 2009
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